“Local Wisdom based Research and Community Service to Enhance Sustainable Education in Digital Era ”
Organized by Teacher Training and Education Faculty , Tadulako University
Palu, Central of Sulawesi- Indonesia

Welcoming Speech
1.Dr. Jamaludin., M. Si
2.Dr. Nursehang, M.Ed.
Opening Speech
Prof. Dr. Ir. Amar., ST., MT., IPU., Asean Eng
🎙 Keynote Speakers
1. Dr. Nor Farahwahidah Abdul Rahman (Universiti Teknologi Malaysia)
2. Dr. Budi Waluyo (Walailak University, Thailand)
3. Prof. Hidemi Nagao (Kanazawa University, Japan) *
4. Dr. Ir. Anastasia Sri Endang P.Vong (Universidade Oriental Timor-Lorosae, Timor Leste)
* in confirmation

Dear Colleagues,
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Tadulako University is delighted to invite you to participate in The 2nd International Conference Education (The 2nd ICE). This conference will be held hybrid (offline and online) at Swis-Belhotel Silae Palu on 12th September 2024.
Focus and scopes of ICE 2024:
1. Digital Learning
2. Research and Education
3. Character Development
4. Social Emotional Learning
5. New Pedagogy : Design Application and Evaluation
6. Artificial Intelligence in Education
7. Community Education
8. Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts. and Mathematics
9. Art and Humanities Issues
10. Sport and Health in Education
11. Educational Assessment
12. Ethnography and Phenomenology

Important dates:
1 August– 28 August 2024 : Registration and Abstract Submission
30 August 2024 : Announcement of Selected Abstract
3 September 2024 : Paper Submission Deadline
6 September 2024 : Announcement of Selected Paper
8 September 2024 : Payment Deadline
12 September 2024 : Conference date

Fee and Payment:
Presenter Offline IDR 450.000,- and IDR 400.000 (Early Bird)
Presenter Online IDR 300.000,- and IDR 200.000 (Early Bird)
Participant Offline IDR 350.000,- and IDR 300.000 (Early Bird)
Participant Online IDR 100.000,- and IDR 50.000 (Early Bird)
(exclude publication fee)

Payment via BNI: 0438687574 (Muhammad Zaky) SWIFT Code : BNINIDJA
Publications opportunities:
*The presented and selected papers will be published in the ISBN International Proceeding indexed by Scopus.

Register: https://bit.ly/ICE_2024
template : http://gg.gg/template_ICGE-24
Manuscripts must be submitted electronically in through.

For more information
📞+ 6281215495576 (Widyastuti)
📞+ 6289699171071 (Exsa Putra)
📞+ 6285241404830 (Muhammad Zaky)
We look forward to receiving your submissions and welcoming you at The 2nd ICE 2024
The 2nd ICE 2024 Organizing Committee

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