General Lecture Series Year 6 Serie-8 by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP

Multicultural education in a global society is an approach to education that values and celebrates cultural diversity, promotes equity and social justice, prepares students for a globalized world, and seeks to include all students regardless of their background. It recognizes that cultural diversity is a strength, and that everyone has something to contribute. Multicultural education requires a commitment from educators and institutions to go beyond superficial diversity celebrations and teach in a way that promotes respect, understanding, and inclusivity. It aims to prepare students to effectively participate in a globalized world and to be respectful and understanding of people from diverse backgrounds.

To add insight on this topic, Please take a part in General Lecture Series that facilated by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP Tadulako University Year 6.

[GUEST LECTURER] Prof. Dr. Elly Malihah, M.Si

[THEME] Series 8 “Multicultural education in a global society”

[SAVE THE DATE] 📅 Friday, 14 April 2023
⏰ 09.00 WITA
💻 Via ZOOM id
Passcode: EAF2023

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