General Lecture Series Year 6 Serie-7 by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP

Digital civilization and Archipelago civilization are two things that cannot be separated in this modern era. The presence of digital technology has brought many changes in human life, including in the archipelago’s civilization. The easy and fast access to information and communication offered by digital technology has enabled an accelerated information revolution.

However, behind the ease of access, there is a risk that needs to be watched out for, namely the occurrence of an information tsunami or inaccurate and dangerous information that can mislead the public. Therefore, digital literacy is essential to deal with this tsunami of information. Digital literacy enables people to have the ability to access, understand, evaluate and use information critically and effectively.

In the context of Archipelago civilization, digital literacy must also be adapted to the local wisdom and culture that exists in Indonesia. This is important to ensure that the use of digital technology does not damage the local wisdom and culture that has existed for a long time. Therefore, there needs to be an effort to strengthen digital literacy based on local wisdom and culture, and increase public awareness about the importance of maintaining local wisdom and culture amid the rapid development of digital technology.

To add insight on this topic, Please take a part in General Lecture Series that facilated by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP Tadulako University Year 6.

[GUEST LECTURER] Dr. Romeyn Perdana Putra, S.Sos, MBA, MM
National Research and Innovation Agency

[THEME] Series 7 “Digital Civilization and Civilization of the Archipelago: Literacy facing the tsunami and information and communication”

[SAVE THE DATE] 📅 Wednesday, 5 April 2023
⏰ 09.00 WITA
💻 Via ZOOM id
Passcode: EAF2023

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