General Lecture Series Year 6 Serie-4 by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP

The Middle East is a region that has been strategically important for centuries due to its location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa. It is a land of great economic, political, and cultural significance, and is home to some of the world’s most ancient civilizations, religions, and cultures.

The Middle East is an important region with significant economic, political, cultural, and historical significance. Its strategic location, vast oil reserves, and role in global trade and commerce make it a key player in the global economy, while its cultural and religious heritage has shaped the world in countless ways.

To add insight on this topic, please take a part in General Lecture Series that facilated by  Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP Tadulako University Year 6.

[LECTURER] Sapri Sale

[THEME] Series 4 “Why the Middle East is so Important ?”

[SAVE THE DATE] 📅 Friday, 17 March 2023
⏰ 09.00 WITA
💻 Via ZOOM id
Passcode: EAF2023

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