General Lecture Series Year 6 Serie-2 by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP

Beyond the classroom, students in Taiwan enjoy a rich and diverse cultural experience. The country is known for its delicious cuisine, breathtaking landscapes, and unique traditions. From bustling night markets to stunning natural wonders, there is no shortage of activities for students to enjoy. Taiwanese people are also renowned for their hospitality and friendly nature, providing a welcoming environment for international students. Overall, a student’s life in Taiwan is a rewarding and enriching experience that offers the opportunity to grow academically and personally while exploring a fascinating culture.

As a student in Taiwan, life is a bustling and vibrant experience filled with a range of academic and social activities. With world-renowned universities and a dynamic education system, students are exposed to rigorous and challenging coursework that encourages critical thinking and creativity. They attend lectures, engage in group discussions and projects, and participate in extracurricular activities that allow them to explore their interests and passions.

Please take a part in General Lecture Series that facilated by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP Tadulako University Year 6.

[LECTURER] Maulana Tataka Dhairyya Dhira (National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan)

[THEME] Series 2 “A students life in Taiwan”*

[SAVE THE DATE] 📅 Friday, 10 March 2023
⏰ 09.00 WITA
💻 Via ZOOM id
Passcode: EAF2023

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