General Lecture Series Year 6 Serie-12 by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP

In Asia, interprofessional education (IPE) is at the forefront of building cooperation and collaboration between various health professions. Through IPE, health professionals from various backgrounds can learn together, share knowledge, and strengthen understanding of each other’s roles and contributions.

In addition, various Asian countries are also active in developing IPE programs for already employed health professionals. They organize interactive workshops involving doctors, nurses, pharmacists and other professionals to share knowledge and experience in interprofessional practice. This enables professionals to understand their respective roles and contributions, as well as strengthen the collaborative skills needed in an increasingly complex healthcare environment.

In efforts to enhance IPE in Asia, various regional organizations also play an important role. They support research, develop guidelines, and encourage collaboration between educational and healthcare institutions. The goal is to create a learning environment that encourages collaboration between different health professions, as well as ensuring that graduates have strong interprofessional skills that they can apply in their healthcare practice.

Interprofessional education in Asia is a strong foundation in building a holistic and integrated health system. Through IPE, healthcare professionals in Asia can work together, collaborate and provide quality care to patients. This leads to better health outcomes, increased equity in the distribution of resources, and better empowerment of health professionals to face future health challenges.

To add insight on this topic, Please take a part in General Lecture Series that facilated by Eurasia Foundation (EAF) FKIP Tadulako University Year 6.

[GUEST LECTURER] Dr. Ir. Agustinus Hermino, M.Pd
International Lecturer at National University of Laos

[THEME] Series 12 Interprofessional Education in Asia

[SAVE THE DATE] 📅 Friday, 9 Juni 2023
⏰ 09.00 WITA
💻 Online : Via ZOOM id
Passcode: EAF2023

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